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Last updated 1st. June 2016. Most recent photos are on our Facebook page (June 2020)

Past events

Most Recent Event

A return visit to sing Evensong in May 2016.
It was a long time since we had sung in All Hallows Church, Bardsey.
All Hallows Bardsey

No photos available for period between 2014 and 2016.

2013 Events

Visit to sing the Offices in Derby Cathedral May 2013.
This year, we decided to visit another area we had not sung in before.
Derby Cathedral Derby shops Derby cafe
Above  (left) A view of Derby cathedral from the river;  (centre) Supporting the local businesses with a bit of shopping;  (right) and lunch in a cafe near the cathedral.
Hotel (left) Refreshment and relaxation back at the hotel before Sunday Evensong.

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Visit to sing the Offices in the Cathedral of the Isles July 2013.
This cathedral is beautifully situated on the Isle of Cumbrae.
Choir Cumbrae cycling
 Above  (left) the Heritage Singers outside the cathedral ready for Saturday Evensong  (centre) Earlier in the day some enthusiastic visitors set off to see the isle  (right) including a 10 mile circuit by bicycle.
Pipes administrator Sunset
 Above  (left) The Pipes at the Cathedral Festival;  (centre) The Choir Administrator enjoys a moment of peace to take in the atmosphere  (right) but eventually around 10.00pm, the sun sets.
Singing Singing ferry
 Above  (left) but after dark, with a guitar and singer;  (centre) another kind of music fills the air.  (right) All good things come to an end and eventually we had to take the ferry back.
May Bank Holiday Tour 2014 to East Yorkshire.
An area we haven't visited recently.
Choir Elemete choir
 Above  (left) the Heritage Singers arrive at All Saint's Church, Sherburn in Elmete  (centre)  Preparing for the 11.00am Concert  (right)  Now outside All Saints Church Pavement, York for our next concert.
York Cottingham Cottingham
 Above  (left)  Preparing for the lunch-time concert in All Saints Pavement, York;  (centre)  Some of the choir outside St. Mary's Church, Cottingham  (right) A view of the church.
Singing St. Mary's Church South Dalton St. Mary's
 Above  (left) the choir warming up in the sunshine outside;  (centre)  arriving at St. Mary's, South Dalton for Matins  (right)  The church viewed on the road from the Parish Hall.
Singing St. Mary's Church South Dalton refreshments
 Above  (left) the choir preparing for Matins;  (centre) Choir photos outside St. Mary's following Matins  (right)  Now off to the Village Hall for refreshments.